
Kirby Be Inc., its founder and officer, Kirby Budz, is not a licensed medical doctor, naturopathic doctor, psychologist, psychotherapist or licensed healthcare provider or practitioner of any kind. Kirby Be does not provide medical advice or treatment of any kind, nor does it provide medical diagnosis.

The information provided on and accessible from all pages on this website (www.kirbybe.com), the information contained in the online workshops, on Unapologetic-Me Podcast, and on the social media pages (@kirby.be) is for your information only and should not be considered as, or used as a substitute for, the advice of a licensed medical doctor or healthcare professional. You should not use the information on this website, in the online workshops, on the podcast, or on the social media pages to diagnose or treat any health problem, or to alter or discontinue a prescribed treatment by a licensed medical doctor or healthcare professional. Consult with a licensed medical doctor or healthcare professional if you suspect you have a health problem.