Are you tired of feeling stuck or trapped in old ways and feeling controlled by your experiences in your past?

THE SHIFT provides you all the self healing tools you need to do the inner work and heal your shadow and inner child.

Shift your life from feeling stuck and hopeless to purpose and fulfillment.

Did you know that 90% off your day is based in your subconscious and your subconscious was programmed from ages 0-7? This means that patterns you learned or experienced as a young child are still controlling your adult life. Your shadow houses every denied aspect of yourself. It is possible to release these patterns by tapping into your subconscious and accessing the root of these issues and healing and releasing them from your body.

What is the base of these patterns? It is your emotions! Your daily emotions and reactions show where there is inner work to be done! Emotions have different densities and believe it or not shame, guilt, anger, rage, hate weigh a lot more than love. This creates density in the body and the feeling of tightness in your gut, chest, etc.. The more you have denied, suppressed, or resisted an emotion, the more it is housed in your shadow. Each suppression of an emotion is like one piece of paper. Suppressing shame (not feeling good enough, talking down to yourself, comparing yourself to others etc…) one time is just one piece of paper. But over the course of your life 20, 30, 40, 50, 60+ years how often have you felt this way? Maybe 10x/month…which means if you are 30 years old, then that’s 10,800x you have suppressed shame. So that means you have 10,800 pieces of paper shoved into your shadow.

Each time you do the inner work in this membership you will release out more and more of these papers. And each time you are shedding the emotional layers and programming that has been imprinted on you as a young child!

watch video to learn more about The Shift

The future you desire can only be yours if you are willing to work through the pain of the past.

Your life is a roadmap…

And you want to be driving on a path of purpose and fulfillment. BUT many are driving in circles stuck on the same loop and unsure of how and what to do in order to move forward. They keep experiencing the same place on their map because they’re being controlled by their shadow.

Your shadow contains all of the parts of yourself you have tried to hide or deny. The parts that people have made you feel bad about. That parts that you believe are not acceptable. Every unfelt emotion gets pushed deeper and deeper within when you do not allow yourself to fully feel it. The shadow stores all of these emotions. They pile on top of each other, deep within you. The shadow shows up in many ways trying to bring forth what it is holding so it can be released. It is showing up when you’re triggered, projecting onto others, lashing out, emotional responses, judging others, gossiping about others

Until you embrace the qualities that you have shamed yourself for, they will continue to show up in your life. The more they are showing up, the more they are ready to be released. Your shadow is there to teach you and guide you. The feelings that you have suppressed are desperate to be integrated into your life. When you face and release the deepest aspects of shadow you will then be able to experience true life. If you keep hiding, avoiding and rejecting what is inside; you will continue to be controlled by the deep emotions you are resisting.

When you heal your shadow you will no longer have to pretend to be someone you’re not. Healing the shadow gives you the freedom to create the life you have always desired because you will no longer be living a life of reacting to others. You will be living a life of your truth.

90% of your day is based in your subconscious

This means that you are unaware of what it is even happening. How you show up in the world is like an iceberg. What people see is the tip of the iceberg and that is you in the conscious. But all of that is being controlled by the base of the iceberg which is the subconscious. When you feel stuck, trapped, and unhappy with where you are at in life  this means that within your subconscious you are holding onto shame, guilt, low self worth and fear. And the experiences in your life are mirroring that.

Your subconscious is programmed from the ages of 0-7 years old. So many of these limiting beliefs come from our family, friends, and society. They mostly come from your family and their beliefs and behaviors because that is usually who you spend the majority of your time with at that age. If they don’t believe subconsciously they they are worthy of more than they have, why would you? You learned how to love yourself by how they love themselves. You learned how to respond to others by how they respond to others.

We spend our lives navigating around these limiting beliefs because they are sitting within our own shadow and most people are unaware that that’s what has been happening.

“If you want to feel better and enjoy your life more, dare to face your pain. Dare to be… authentic”

— Teal Swan

We cannot control the upbringing we had

and what we experienced or what has been programmed in our subconscious. But in order to gain control in our adult lives and live the life we want, we must shift our own subconscious which is the home of these deep limiting beliefs.

Until you clear the root of where those emotions and reactions are coming from, you will continue looping on the same route on your map because your body doesn’t know any different.

That’s why this membership is called THE SHIFT because it provides access to all the tools you need to shift your life from being stuck in old patterns and beliefs housed in the shadow and release them from the body and push you back into alignment with your highest self, living a life of purpose and fulfillment. 

The goal is not to be perfect.

The goal with The Shift is to be whole, to be in control and feel complete within yourself. With this inner work, you have the tools to be in full control of your life. Because you will no longer be dictated by external things. This puts all the power back into your hands and allows you to create ANYTHING you want in your life. 

Doing the inner work is what will set you free.

If you are sick and tired of feeling stuck and you truly want to see change in your life then The Shift is exactly what you need. Take ownership of your story and patterns and release all programming from your life.

What is included in this all access membership?

  • 10 Guided Subconscious Journeys

    • includes teachings from Kirby

    • journal prompts

    • post journey guidance for integration

  • Guided Breathwork

    • you will have access to 2 guided breathwork

  • Monthly Reiki

    • you will have access to 2 reiki healings

    • each month 2 new reiki healings will be added

  • Guided Meditations

    • new meditations added each month

  • Crystal Bowl Sound healing 

  • Somatic shaking

  • Eft tapping

  • and bonus monthly content! 

    As well as live monthly Q & A's with Kirby to answer all of your questions during your healing process!

    Members also get 40% off Reiki Moon Circles as well as 30% off other services Kirby provides!

I created this as a membership because…

I personally grew up in a working class family and struggled with money my entire life. I went into 100k debt to go to college. I lived paycheck to paycheck until I was 31 years old. And the fact of the matter is, the “wellness” industry caters to the middle class and above and is not inclusive.

I realized a huge hole, being that there is not just one place people can go to have access to all the tools they need to do the inner work without paying thousands of dollars for it.

The fact of the matter is, now more than ever ALL people need to have access to healing modalities, not just those who are well off.

The more people that do the inner work, the more we can change the world. My job as a healer is to provide the tools for people to heal and that is what I have done with this membership.

I created this membership with the exact tools I personally used to heal my own shadow and inner child. I did the inner work for an entire year and completely transformed my own life. That is how I know that it works, because I was my own guinea pig. I still do the subconscious journeys, breathwork and reiki weekly and will continue to do it for the rest of my life because I know that we are always evolving and doing inner work is like working out. You keep up with it so you can feel your best!

You can view membership prices below!


The Shift is currently being move into a new platform and will be available mid July 2021.

Sign up to be on the waitlist to be the first to know when you can gain access for a discount!